Tuesday 26 October 2010

Day 60 – I’ll Take A Refreshing Pensacola Please

Rising this morning we had expected to find last nights rain still running the show, but thankfully it had moved on (although the sticky humidity and 90’s temp remained). We were apprehensive to get back on the road as all that lay before us was an eight hour drive. It’s been a while since our last ‘driving day’ and we haven’t done over seven hours in one stretch for nearly a month now…so this was a bit of a shock to our systems.

It was a long, boring and, at times, emotional slog of a drive. Honestly, not one of our best. We even crossed back from the Eastern to the Central time zone, meaning we gained an hour in the day…this time somehow seemed to just add itself onto the drive. During the journey the rain attempted to return and the clouds had an epic battle with the sun for control. The sun eventually won out; which was just as well because we’d arrived in state number 40: Florida – The Sunshine State!
Unfortunately the sun only became champion long enough to set, but at least we got to Pensacola just in time to witness this spectacular event. When planning we had wanted to get the typical Florida experience just without going where the crowds are on the east coast or having to drive another million miles to reach the tippytoe where the likes of Miami or Key West sit. Our only other stipulation was we had to be on a beach.
When we picked Pensacola Beach all we knew about it was it was a very isolated looking peninsula. Naturally we were worried about what we’d get, but turns out the long, exhausting day was completely worth it, and as soon as our feet sunk into the softest white sand we’d ever felt, we realized just how much we needed the relaxing sounds of the ocean and being adrift on this little island; even if it’s just for 40 hours.
So, until tomorrow…

You've been reading http://www.fiftyfirststates.com/

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